19-20 CDBG Notice & Grant Application
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME)
Each year, Escalon receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Program funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist low and moderate income persons, provide decent housing, a suitable living environment and/or expand economic opportunities. These funds are allocated by HUD utilizing a formula which considers population, poverty, overcrowded units, and age of housing. The City estimates its 2019-2020 allocation will be as follows:
CDBG $74,000 HOME $ 9,300
There may also be some reallocations from previous years funding that will be allocated at this time.
An application for the use of CDBG and HOME funds can be obtained through the Internet at http://www.cityofescalon.org/government/departments/development_services/planning. The application is available in WORD format. Printed applications can be obtained from the City’s Community Development Department by calling (209) 691-7430.
The completed applications will be reviewed by City staff to determine whether the proposed activity meets HUD’s national objectives and the City’s community development objectives. Furthermore, the proposed activity will be reviewed for compliance with HUD program eligibility criteria. All proposals that meet these requirements, will then be reviewed by the County for adherence to the County’s 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan. The City will then recommend to the City Council which proposals should be funded. All applicants will be notified in writing of funding recommendations in February 2019. Funds allocated as part of this process will not be available until July 2019. Program funds are not available to individuals.
To be considered for funding, TWO (2) original completed and signed applications must be received at Escalon City Hall, 2060 McHenry Ave., Escalon CA 95320, by 4:00pm on January 25, 2019. A separate application must be submitted for each proposed activity. Postmarked deliveries or faxed copies of the application will NOT be accepted.
A public informational meeting will be held at 9:00am on Thursday, January 3, 2019 at Escalon City Hall, located at 2060 McHenry Ave, Escalon. All interested parties are invited to attend and to obtain answers to any questions pertaining to the application process. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory to be considered for funding.
For more information or questions, please contact:
City of Escalon
2060 McHenry Ave
Escalon CA 95320