The Escalon City Council is now accepting applications for:
- Planning Commission (2 Terms Available – Expiring 6/1/2028)
The Planning Commission meets once a month on the second Tuesday after the first Monday at 6:30 p.m. Planning Commissioners must be City of Escalon residents and be registered to vote in Escalon. Some duties of the Planning Commission include:
- Prepare and recommend a comprehensive long-term general plan for the physical development of the city and any land outside its boundaries.
- Act as the advisory agency for the city concerning the administration of the Subdivision and Map Act of the State of California and development projects within the City.
- Investigate and recommend to the Council plans for the improvements and beautification of the City.
Interested citizens may download an application packet at www.cityofescalon.org or email [email protected] to request a packet be emailed. All applications must be submitted by one of the following methods no later than May 27, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.:
Mail: 2060 McHenry Ave, Escalon CA 95320
Email: [email protected]
Placed in the payment drop slot by City Hall front doors
Hand delivered inside City Hall
Please call 691-7400 with any questions.
Application Packet