Join us for a
Community Workshop
The City of Escalon is updating the Housing Element of
its General Plan - a document that serves as the City’s
‘playbook’ for decisions on land use, infrastructure,
public services, resource conservation, and much
more. The update will also address recent
requirements of State law related to environmental
justice and climate adaptation in the Land Use and
Conservation Elements.
Join us at the upcoming Community Workshops to
discuss current priorities and issues affecting Escalon.
Each workshop will be held at Escalon City Hall at 2060
McHenry Avenue, in the Council Chambers.
Workshop #1
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Workshop #2
Thursday, July 18, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
Each workshop will focus on identifying and
confirming the community‘s vision, priorities, and
concerns related to housing and environmental
justice, including:
- Types of housing needed in Escalon
- Access to safe and affordable housing
- Barriers to housing production or access
- Civic engagement and involvement
- Disproportionate exposure of some areas of the
City to pollution and environmental hazards
- Equitable opportunities for physcial activity,
recreation, and access to community facilities
throughout the City
- Access to affordable and nutritious foods
If you aren't able to attend a workshop, please take a survey to let us know your thoughts and concerns:
Housing Element Survey