Notice of Availability
Draft 2022 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy
Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
Notice is hereby given that the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) has released the Draft
Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) document for a 45-day public review/comment period.
Project Description: The 2022 RTP/SCS is the region’s long range transportation plan through 2046
for the San Joaquin County metropolitan region. The proposed 2022 RTP/SCS is an update to the
current 2018 RTP/SCS that was adopted in August 2018. The proposed 2022 RTP/SCS reflects changes in
legislative requirements, local land use policies, and resource constraints that have occurred
since adoption of the current 2018 RTP/SCS. The 2022 update to the 2018 RTP/SCS is focused on
continued implementation of the 2018 RTP/SCS, with updates to ensure consistency with federal,
State, and local planning requirements. The 2022 RTP/SCS is the long-term coordinated
transportation/land use strategy and provides a framework for transportation investment out to the
year 2046.
Project Location: The 2022 RTP/SCS covers the entire area of San Joaquin County and includes the
cities of Escalon, Lathrop Lodi, Manteca, Stockton, Tracy, and Ripon. Capital improvement
transportation projects, identified in the proposed 2022 RTP/SCS, are located on State highways,
County roads, and locally-owned streets, as well as on transit district property, airports, rail
lines and property, and public utility lands.
Probable Environmental Effects: The Draft EIR provides a programmatic analysis of environmental
impacts related to the implementation of the 2022 RTP/SCS. It discloses significant effects for the
following resource categories: aesthetics; agriculture; air quality; biology; cultural resources;
energy; environmental Justice; geology and soils; greenhouse gas and climate change; hazards and
hazardous materials; hydrology and water quality; noise; transportation; and tribal cultural
resources, and; wildfire.
Public Review and Comment
The Draft EIR prepared for the 2022 RTP/SCS is available for public review until 5:00 PM on August
8, 2022. The Draft 2022 RTP/SCS is available for public review from June 7, 2022, to 5:00 PM on
August 1, 2022. The document can be downloaded at https://www.sjcog.org/607/Draft-2022-RTPSCS and
upon request can be made to physically review at SJCOG’s office, located at 555 E. Weber Ave,
Stockton, CA 95202.
Written comments may be submitted to SJCOG at:
SJCOG, 555 E. Weber Ave, Stockton, CA 95202, Attn: Timothy Kohaya, or sent via email to the
following address, [email protected] .
SJCOG will be doing a presentation at the July 18, 2022 City Council Meeting.